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smooth space


Smooth space:

"Smooth space" exists in contrast to "striated space"— a partitioned field of movement which prohibits free motion. Smooth space refers to an environment, a landscape (vast or microscopic) in which a subject operates. Deleuze and Guattari explain:
Smooth space is filled by events or haecceities, far more than by formed and perceived things. It is a space of affects, more than one of properties. It is haptic rather than optical perception. Whereas in striated forms organize a matter, in the smooth materials signal forces and serve as symptoms for them. It is an intensive rather than extensive space, one of distances, not of measures and properties. Intense Spatium instead of Extensio. A Body without Organs instead of an organism and organization. (479)
Conducive to rhizomatic growth and nomadic movement, smooth space consists of disorganized matter and tends to provoke a sensual or tactical response rather than a starkly rational method of operation or a planned trajectory.
Κι αυτό λείος χώρος. Το πρόβλημα βέβαια είναι ότι οι όροι εμφανίζονται στο Μιλ Πλατό που είναι αμετάφραστο.


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Έγραψα στο άλλο νήμα ότι αυτό το λένε ομαλό χώρο. Δεν είναι καλύτερο;

Μμμ, βρίσκω κι από τα δύο.

Ξανά μμμ, οι περισσότεροι λένε λείου.