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settlement houses


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The settlement house, an approach to social reform with roots in the late 19th century and the Progressive Movement, was a method for serving the poor in urban areas by living among them and serving them directly. As the residents of settlement houses learned effective methods of helping, they then worked to transfer long-term responsibility for the programs to government agencies. Settlement house workers, in their work to find more effective solutions to poverty and injustice, also pioneered the profession of social work. Philanthropists funded the settlement houses. Often, organizers like Jane Addams made their funding appeals to the wives of the wealthy businessmen. Through their connections, the women and men who ran the settlement houses were also able to influence political and economic reforms.
Women may have been drawn to the "public housekeeping" idea, extending the idea of a women's sphere of responsibility for keeping house into public activism.

The term "neighborhood center" (or in British English, neighbourhood centre) is often used today for similar institutions, as the early tradition of "residents" settling in the neighborhood has given way to professionalized social work.
Some settlement houses served whatever ethnic groups were in the area. Others, such as those directed towards African Americans or Jews, served groups that weren't always welcome in other community institutions.
Through the work of such women as Edith Abbott and Sophonisba Breckinridge, the thoughtful extension of what the settlement house workers learned led to the founding of the profession of social work. Community organizing and group work both have roots in the settlement house movement's ideas and practices.
The settlement houses tended to be founded with secular goals, but many who were involved were religious progressives, often influenced by the social gospel ideals.

First Settlement Houses
The first settlement house was Toynbee Hall in London, founded in 1883 by Samuel and Henrietta Barnett. This was followed by Oxford House in 1884, and others such as the Mansfield House Settlement.
The first American settlement house was the Neighborhood Guild, founded by Stanton Coit, in 1886. The Neighborhood Guild failed soon after and inspired another guild, the College Settlement (later the University Settlement), named because the founders were graduates of the Seven Sisters colleges.

Famous Settlement Houses
The best-known settlement house is perhaps Hull House in Chicago, founded in 1889 by Jane Addams with her friend Ellen Gates Starr. Lillian Wald and the Henry Street Settlement in New York is also well known. Both of these houses were staffed primarily by women and both resulted in many reforms with long-lasting effects and many programs that exist today.

The Movement Spreads
Other notable early settlement houses were the East Side House in 1891 in New York City, Boston's South End House in 1892, the University of Chicago Settlement and the Chicago Commons (both in Chicago in 1894), Hiram House in Cleveland in 1896, Hudson Guild in New York City in 1897, and Greenwich House in New York in 1902.
By 1910, there were more than 400 settlement houses in more than 30 states in America. At the peak in the 1920s, there were almost 500 of these organizations. The United Neighborhood Houses of New York today encompasses 35 settlement houses in New York City. About 40 percent of settlement houses were founded and supported by a religious denomination or organization.
The movement was mostly present in the U.S. and Great Britain, but a movement of "Settlement" in Russia existed from 1905 to 1908.

Άλλη πηγή: house


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Εμείς έχουμε «κέντρο φροντίδας φτωχών οικογενειών».


Σε μερικές πτυχιακές εργασίες έχει αποδοθεί ως «κοινοτικά κέντρα» με τον αγγλικό όρο δίπλα σε παρένθεση.


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Εγώ προτιμώ να δώσω έμφαση στο neighborhood, όπως κάνουν οι Αμερικανοί.

Μονάδες κοινωνικών λειτουργών γειτονιάς
Μονάδες κοινωνικής αντίληψης γειτονιάς
Μονάδες κοινωνικής φροντίδας γειτονιάς
Μάλλον για αυτό πρόκειται στα καθ' ημάς ("Κέντρα κοινότητας")

Άρθρο 4 1. Σε κάθε Οργανισμό Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης α΄ βαθ μού δύναται να συστήνεται και να λειτουργεί «Κέντρο Κοινότητας». Σκοπός του Κέντρου Κοινότητας είναι η υποστήριξη του Οργανισμού Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης α΄ βαθμού σε συνεργασία με την οικεία Κοινωνική Υπηρεσία στην εφαρμογή πολιτικών κοινωνικής προστασίας και στην ανάπτυξη ενός τοπικού σημείου αναφοράς για την υποδοχή, εξυπηρέτηση και διασύνδεση των πολιτών με όλα τα Κοινωνικά Προγράμματα και Υπηρεσίες Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης, που υλοποιούνται στην περιοχή λειτουρ γίας του Κέντρου Κοινότητας.
