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Αναφέρεται σε λειτουργία ενός music player και προήλθε από εδώ:

The Scrobbler (also called "the client") is a desktop application which you can use to play radio stations, scrobble your own music you listen to with your media player on your computer, and to edit your profile by tagging your music, loving and banning tracks, adding items to your playlist, and more.

Επειδή δεν βλέπω φως στα ελληνικά αποτελέσματα του google, λέω να το πω "λειτουργία scrobbling". Έχετε κάτι άλλο υπόψη;


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Αφού θα φροντίσεις να το εξηγήσεις με τον καλύτερο τρόπο, όπως π.χ. εδώ,
Part of the appeal of Web 2.0 is to find other people who share similar interests, herin lies the meaning of "scrobbling." To "scrobble" a song means that when you listen to it, the name of the song is sent to a Web site (for example, and added to your music profile. Here's how it works: Once you've signed up and downloaded, you can scrobble songs you listen to on your computer or iPod automatically. As a social network, once you start scrobbling yourself, you can see what artists you really listen to the most, view your listening habits on your profile page, and allow others to see your tastes in music. Companies (such as use this data to organize and recommend music to people, to create personalized radio stations, and to see what other users listened to the most.

θα χρησιμοποιήσεις τις λέξεις σκρομπλάρω, σκρόμπλινγκ, σκρομπλάρισμα. Καμία σχέση με το σκραμπλ και το κομπλάρισμα.


Staff member
Προωθώ, προτείνω, κοινοποιώ, διαφημίζω, λέω ότι ακούω. Δεν ξέρω τι ακριβώς θα είναι πιο ακριβές και εκφραστικό στο κείμενό σου. Και μέσα σε παρένθεση χώνεις κι ένα scrobble ή scrobbling.