Ομολογώ ότι δεν μπορώ να σκεφτώ κάτι ανάλογο στην ελληνική πραγματικότητα για να το αποδώσω και να το καταλάβει ο θεατής. Είναι το (ευέλικτο, προφανώς στα αμερικανικά σχολεία) πρόγραμμα που αποφασίζουν οι διδάσκοντες κάθε χρόνο.
Διάβασα εδώ αυτό:
Urban Academy is a well functioning SBO school. We determine what kind of classes out students need, how long the classes are, what the overall schedule should be, what classes are co-taught, even how long the day should be (longer but not shorter than the contract permits) and as part of the New York Consortium: (http://performanceassessment.org/) we even get to determine what our high school graduation requirements are as we have a waiver for a few more years from teaching to New York States 5 required high stakes Regent exams.
Στην ταινία, υπάρχει μια αφίσα κολλημένη στον τοίχο του Λυκείου, που λέει Support your SBO's.
Διάβασα εδώ αυτό:
Urban Academy is a well functioning SBO school. We determine what kind of classes out students need, how long the classes are, what the overall schedule should be, what classes are co-taught, even how long the day should be (longer but not shorter than the contract permits) and as part of the New York Consortium: (http://performanceassessment.org/) we even get to determine what our high school graduation requirements are as we have a waiver for a few more years from teaching to New York States 5 required high stakes Regent exams.
Στην ταινία, υπάρχει μια αφίσα κολλημένη στον τοίχο του Λυκείου, που λέει Support your SBO's.