This is an idiom which seems to be now frequent & almost reaching cliché status. If you have put in the hard miles, you have done the hard difficult work and that makes you eligible to comment or participate in something. The surgeon after my hip operation said:
"What you now have to do for your hip to improve is to put in the hard miles''.
How would this whole sentence be put into conversational Greek? The best I can up with is «Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνεις τώρα για βελτίωση του γοφού σου είναι να βαδίσεις εντατικά/σκληρά τα πολλά χιλιόμετρα».
But I am wholly dissatisfied with this forced and laboured Greek.

"What you now have to do for your hip to improve is to put in the hard miles''.
How would this whole sentence be put into conversational Greek? The best I can up with is «Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνεις τώρα για βελτίωση του γοφού σου είναι να βαδίσεις εντατικά/σκληρά τα πολλά χιλιόμετρα».
But I am wholly dissatisfied with this forced and laboured Greek.