'“Is this what we should be making space for our girls to learn?” Helen Fraser asked. “That what too many women face nowadays isn’t a ‘glass ceiling’ because of their sex but a ‘nappy wall’ if they choose to have a child as well as a career? That if you want children and a career, a partner who shares the load at home really, really matters?'
'The nappy wall' is a term coined by Helen Fraser of the Girls School Day Trust that refers to the situation when a woman stops her career to raise a child. It is a realistic assessment of the situation of a woman who has had a child and therefore holds back on her career prospects. By the way, do Greeks use the term γυάλινη οροφή to refer to the limit on a woman's ability to rise in the hierarchy at her work? Would βρεφικός τοίχος do for 'nappy wall'?
'The nappy wall' is a term coined by Helen Fraser of the Girls School Day Trust that refers to the situation when a woman stops her career to raise a child. It is a realistic assessment of the situation of a woman who has had a child and therefore holds back on her career prospects. By the way, do Greeks use the term γυάλινη οροφή to refer to the limit on a woman's ability to rise in the hierarchy at her work? Would βρεφικός τοίχος do for 'nappy wall'?