Έχετε ιδέα πώς έχει αποδοθεί αυτός στο σύμπαν της Marvel; Η ταινία που έχει βγει τώρα στους κινηματογράφους, Thor 2: Dark World έχει κάποιους Kursed, που έχουν αποδοθεί Τρισκατάρατοι, αλλά όνομα ήρωα Kurse δεν έχει. Μένει αμετάφραστος, Κερς; (Ή ίσως Κουρς, κατά την προσφιλή πρακτική των κόμικς; )
Στη Wiki λέει: In the film, the Kursed are Dark Elf warriors who enhance their bodies with great risk. Being the last of his kind to undergo the transformation, Algrim became one of the Kursed to aid Malekith during their initial invasion of Asgard and is later killed by Loki.
Στη Wiki λέει: In the film, the Kursed are Dark Elf warriors who enhance their bodies with great risk. Being the last of his kind to undergo the transformation, Algrim became one of the Kursed to aid Malekith during their initial invasion of Asgard and is later killed by Loki.