Kώστα, είπα στο μικρό

Κώστα, είπα στο μικρό [youngster?]. Κατέβασε τα ρολά [put the shutters/blinds down?], ένας Θεός ξέρει αν τελείωσε [he finished the task?]. Εύα, γύρισε στην κοπέλα, πάρε στο τηλέφωνο τις πρώτες βοήθειες.
Η κοπέλα βάλθηκε να σκουπίζει [set to wiping/began to wipe?] τα χέρια της με χαρτομάντιλα [tissues/paper hankies], μουρμουρίζοντας.
All sorts of niggles but the sense is clear; some of my translations are dubious. :confused:


Staff member
ένας Θεός ξέρει αν τελείωσε = God knows if it's over (the demonstration, probably)

The others are, more or less, ok. «Ρολά» would probably be of the heavier type used to close a shop.


Staff member
Hi. Note this minor detail:

Κώστα, είπα στο μικρό.
Or is it:
Κώστα, είπα στον μικρό.

Normally, the nominative would be ο μικρός (i.e. the boy or, more specifically, the errand boy). If it is the masculine form, then it would be wise to add the -ν in the accusative, to make it obvious this is not the neuter form of the adjective used as a noun. What would "το μικρό" be?
Thanks, Nik. Definitely στο μικρό. I only supposed it must mean the youngster on the basis of http://www.wordreference.com/gren/μικρό. I suppose that you have to understand παιδι? It's not a minor point, especially when you query it. Maybe it is a typo.