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issue / state / edition / impression

Στο OED μου διαβάζω:

(ii) Bibliogr. In bibliogr. classification and description, a subdivision of an edition (or of an impression [see impression n. 3d] of an edition), denoting a distinct form, planned and put on sale by the publishers, of the edition (or impression) sheets; a new issue is normally indicated by the provision of a new title-leaf, with or without other changes.
In some cases the precise application of issue in this sense remains subject to discussion.

1928 M. SADLEIR Trollope: a Bibliogr. p. xiii, It would be well to distinguish clearly between an ‘issue’ and a ‘binding-up’. An ‘issue’ represents an order from the publishers for a definite effort in publication.+ It is a piece of publishing, and reflects some definite intention in the publishers' mind. A ‘binding-up’, on the other hand, is a mere replenishment of the stock in a publisher's ware~house. 1949 F. BOWERS Princ. Bibliogr. Descr. ii. 41 Issue is included within edition and itself includes only state. Ibid. 78 Removed from consideration [sc. of issue] are all alterations made during continuous printing of the original sheets, as well as alterations made after public sale had begun which are largely for the purpose of constructing an ‘ideal copy’. We must take it as a fundamental assumption that, except in the most uncommon circumstances, sheets will not be re-issued without a change of title-page... It is impossible to set up any standards for issue [sc. for hand-printed books] which have any likelihood of uniform and logical application unless the title-page is taken as the prime evidence. Ibid. xi. 403 Sadleir's correct refusal to admit as issues those bindings~up exhibiting small variants in the binding not the result of a publisher's order helps sweep away the majority of the ridiculously conceived modern ‘issues’ but still leaves various ambiguities. Ibid. 419 Alterations to the text [sc. of 19th- and 20th-century books] are a cause of re-issue even if the title-page is unaffected, providing they go beyond the standards of ideal copy and were not made during the course of printing the impression affected... At the publisher's request, the text of D. H. Lawrence's...White Peacock (1911) was altered in certain respects by the substitution of two cancellans leaves...causing re-issue... In The White Peacock...the second issue is found in a second state. 1952 J. CARTER ABC for Bk.-Collectors 108 Since differences of issue are bibliographically tidier and more straightforward than differences of state, and since the term falls much more pleasingly on the priority-conscious ear, a good many undeterminable cases have been, and no doubt will continue to be, given the benefit of the doubt. 1960 G. A. GLAISTER Gloss. Bk. 200/1 Before the term ‘issue’ can first be applied, copies of the work without any of the changes now involved must have already been published. Bibliographers then speak of a ‘first issue’ and a ‘second issue’ of the ‘first edition’. The term is less precisely used in the book trade. 1969 E. W. PADWICK Bibliogr. Method xvi. 206 Both issue and state are included within impression... Basically, issue should be regarded as an act of intent by the publisher to effect some change in the yet unbound copies of an impression after the publication of some copies has taken place. 1972 P. GASKELL New Introd. Bibliogr. 317 The term ‘edition’ has always been used in the trade for ‘impression’ or ‘issue’ as well as for edition in the bibliographical sense; a book that is advertised as a ‘new edition’...may be...simply a reissue of the original sheets with a new title-page.

Εμένα η αναφορά μου γράφει The Times, 7 April, p. 3, issue 37048, col. B; 23 April, issue 37062, col. A. Τι είναι αυτό και πώς το λένε στα ελληνικά; Ευχαριστώ.
Τώρα που το βλέπω καλύτερα το δικό μου, απλώς αριθμεί τα τεύχη της εφημερίδας....ποιος ξέρει από ποια χρονική αφετηρία (τα δικά μου είναι έτους 1903). Γιατί 7-23/4 = 37048-37062 μείον 1. Και βρήκα παρακάτω 27 April, issue 37065, οπότε έδεσε. Πάντως, το νήμα διατηρεί το ενδιαφέρον του, αν γνωρίζει κανείς την ορολογία των εκδόσεων.


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Προς το παρόν, αντιγράφω από το OED το παράθεμα με το οποίο εξηγεί τη σημασία του state στη βιβλιογραφία. Δεν ξέρω τον ελληνικό όρο.

1931 P. H. Muir Points 12 A word is still needed to describe changes made before any publication takes place. These changes may be made while the entire edition is still in the publisher's hands, they may take place at the printer's, at the binder's, or even at a stage intermediate between the issue of some of the review copies and the actual date of publication. Any differences that may arise before that time will be referred to as ‘states’.    Ibid. 13 It is probable that copies of the book in all three states will be issued on the same day. They will all be ‘first issues’; but some will be first, some second, and others again third ‘states’ of the first edition.
1931 G. Worthington Bibliogr. Waverley Novels p. viii, I have‥decided to use the word ‘State’ whenever between two copies of a first edition there are differences of sufficient importance to be noticed; and my ‘First State’ is the variety which I believe to be preferable‥to any other.  