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Indian agency system


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Indian affairs are conducted under the administrative bureau in Washington by local Indian agents. This agency system was gradually developed to meet the various exigencies arising from the rapid displacement of Indian tribes by white settlers.

During the colonial period the spread of trade brought a large number of tribes in contact with the French and the English, and each nation strove to make allies among the natives. Their rivalry led to the French and Indian war, and its effects were felt as late as the first half of the 19th century. When the Revolution began the attitude of the Indians became a matter of importance, and plans were speedily devised to secure their friendship for the colonists and to thwart English influence. One of the means employed was the appointment of agents to reside among the tribes living near the settlements. These men were charged to watch the movements of the Indians and through the maintenance of trade to secure their good will toward the colonists.

Η συνέχεια εδώ.

Πώς θα αποδίδατε αυτό το agency; Αντιπροσωπεία;


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Νομίζω πως είναι το γνωστό Γραφείο ινδιάνικων υποθέσεων.


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Όχι, αυτή είναι η κεντρική υπηρεσία, ας πούμε το υπουργείο. Τα Indian Agencies ήταν κατά τόπους αντιπροσωπείες, και υπήρχαν οι Indian agents, όπως διαβάζεις και στο κείμενο που παρέθεσα.


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Α, μπερδεύτηκα. Θα το έλεγα (τοπικό) πρακτορείο (ινδιάνικων υποθέσεων) —και τους agents, πράκτορες. Φυσικά.


Mod Almighty
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Υπάρχει επίσης και η εναλλακτική του τοπικού φορέα/τοπικής υπηρεσίας.