An easy one I think for native Greeks! 'I feel bad' means 'I don't feel well' or 'I feel sick'. Νιώθω άσχημα is horribly literal. But 'to feel bad about' means to experience regret, sadness, embarrassment, or a similar unpleasant emotion. For example,
--'I feel bad about not attending the funeral.' (This surely wouldn't be Νιώθω/αισθάνομαι άσχημα για/ Νιώθω πολύ χάλια για.., would it?)
--'The teacher's scolding made Bobby feel bad.' [First half of 1800s]
--'I feel bad about not attending the funeral.' (This surely wouldn't be Νιώθω/αισθάνομαι άσχημα για/ Νιώθω πολύ χάλια για.., would it?)
--'The teacher's scolding made Bobby feel bad.' [First half of 1800s]