Με τη μεταφορική έννοια της έκφρασης, δεν μιλάμε για αυλή και βασιλείς, όπως αναφέρεται εδώ. Το κείμενό μου μιλάει για εκπαιδευτικό και τους μαθητές του.
hold court = to get a lot of attention from a group of people by talking in a way that is entertaining, especially on social occasions Usage notes: In the past, a king or queen held court when they talked to the people who gave them advice.
Είναι η ψυχή της παρέας;
hold court = to get a lot of attention from a group of people by talking in a way that is entertaining, especially on social occasions Usage notes: In the past, a king or queen held court when they talked to the people who gave them advice.
Είναι η ψυχή της παρέας;