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He's now singing like a canary

If someone sings like a canary, they tell everything they know about a crime or wrongdoing to the police or authorities.
--Detroit bomber 'singing like a canary' before arrest
President Barack Obama is under fire over claims that the Christmas Day underwear bomber was "singing like a canary" until he was treated as an ordinary criminal and advised of his right to silence.


Κελάηδησε (ο ένοχος, ο εγκληματίας, ο συλληφθείς, ο κακούργος, το πουλάκι).


Staff member
@ #3 & #6: Μάλλον η ανάρτηση #2 λούστηκε με Άζαξ! :p
Μας αρέσει να αγνοούμε των άλλων και να λέμε το δικό μας...

Για μένα να πω ότι χάθηκε μέσα στα λινκ... Ούτε καν τα είδα! Σόρυ!


Kι εγώ εγραφα ταυτόχρονα, όπως φαίνεται από την ώρα ανάρτησης.


Staff member
Sorry, I don't understand the last few references about the suspension being washed with Ajax and their relevance to my query! And why the fish? Help!!Σόρυ.


Staff member
ανάρτηση (here) = post

Zazula is protesting that his post #2 was washed with AZAX (the greek form of Ajax liquid detergent) and he is referring to an old successful commercial, where a housewife washes the windows with AZAX and makes them crystal clear, her husband falls on one and she exclaims: "Τα κάνει αόρατα!"

The one with the fish I don't understand either, but I didn't want to be the first to ask... :D