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half despatch


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Ναυτιλιακός όρος. Από ό,τι καταλαβαίνω, εννοεί ότι αν η εκφόρτωση γίνει σε χρόνο μικρότερο από τον υπολογισμένο, τότε ο πλοιοκτήτης επιστρέφει το μισό του ποσού που αντιστοιχεί σε αυτήν στους ναυλωτές. Υπάρχει και άλλος ορισμός εδώ (σελ. 46):–-‘WORKING-LAY’-TIME-SAVED

Term in a c/p stipulating that despatch money (amount payable by shipowner to charterers/shippers or receivers)for loading or discharging in less than the time allowed in the C/P, is to be calculated at half of the agreed rate of demurrage.


Staff member
Despatch, or despatch money, is the amount paid by the shipowner to the charterer, shipper or receiver, as the case may be, for loading and/or discharging in less than the time allowed in the charter-party. It is not found in every case, but in those cases where it is offered by a shipowner, it is an incentive to cargo interests to load or discharge as quickly as possible. Very often, the rate of despatch is half the rate of demurrage. When no despatch is agreed, the offer will show the amount of demurrage followed by the term free despatch. When set at half the rate of demurrage, it is termed half despatch and often appears in an abbreviated form in an offer or counter-offer as, for example, $5,000 d 1/2 d (55,000 per day demurrage, $2,500 per day despatch).

Δεν βρίσκω δυστυχώς πουθενά ούτε τον όρο «εξαγορά σταλιών» που έχει ένα λεξικό μου για το despatch money.


Αν δεν το βιάζεστε, να ρωτήσω αύριο τον ειδικό με τα ναυτιλιακά να δω τι έχει να πει.