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Given half the chance....

if someone would do something given half a chance, they would certainly do it if they had the opportunity or if they were allowed any opportunity.
--He'd steal from his own grandmother, given half the chance.
--Given half a chance I'd leave this job today.
--Given half a chance, most writers would rather talk about a project than work on it.
Also used in the form 'give someone/something half a chance':-
--If we give Geoff half a chance, he could paint that kind of portrait.:devil:
The word 'παραμικρό' can render "half the chance". Hence...

Αν έβρισκε την παραμικρή ευκαιρία θα έκλεβε ακόμα και από τη γιαγιά του, for the first example.
Θα χτυπήσουμε χρυσό όταν μπει στους Ολυμπιακούς το άθλημα της συγχρονικής λεξιλογίας.