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flashing images = γρήγορα εναλλασσόμενες εικόνες, ταχεία εναλλαγή εικόνων

flashing images [USA] / flash photography[UK]

What is the equivalent Greek term for this phrase used to warn viewers with epilepsy?:eek:
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Staff member
Γεια σου, Θησέα μου. Το πρώτο λέγεται ταχεία εναλλαγή εικόνων, όπως αυτό που συμβαίνει στα βιντεοπαιχνίδια, έτσι; Είναι το ίδιο με το flash photography; :confused:


Staff member
Υποψιάζομαι ότι έτσι αποδίδουν το flicker της τηλεόρασης, που διαφέρει από την εναλλαγή εικόνων που έχουμε στα παιχνίδια ή τα φώτα που αναβοσβήνουν (flashing lights).
The phrase in English refers to the flash of a camera in a news episode when the politician, film star or person in question is being photographed live.
Flash photography is photography in which a flashbulb or electronic flash is used to provide momentary illumination of a dark or insufficiently lit subject.


Φωτογράφηση με φλας.

Flashing images refer to something like this and not to flash photos.

Edit: Just saw your post below nickel. You're right, flashing images isn't synonymous with flash photos. I was a bit confused too but given Theseus's explanation above I assumed that what he was seeking was a translation for flash photography.

Edit 2: The link I provided is somehow showing a different image :confused: and isn't a good example of what was initially intended.


Staff member
I suppose we all know what flash photography is, but I don't think that flashing images is a US synonym, is it? In addition, flashing images (for which I've given "ταχεία εναλλαγή εικόνων") is pretty standard in UK English as well, as in these guidelines issued by the BBC:
And here's a video clip:

To recap:
flashing images = ταχεία εναλλαγή εικόνων, γρήγορα εναλλασσόμενες εικόνες
flash photography = φωτογράφηση με φλας
flashing lights = φώτα που αναβοσβήνουν
flicker = τρεμόσβημα (λέγεται και «παλλόμενο σήμα»;)

Other suggestions, anyone?
Ας υπάρχει και ο όρος (αλλεπάλληλες) φωτεινές αναλαμπές, που πλησιάζει περισσότερο στην αιτία των επιληπτικών κρίσεων.