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fiscal illusion = δημοσιονομική ψευδαίσθηση

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Σκέφτηκα να το πω δημοσιονομική πλάνη, δεν βρίσκω όμως κάτι τέτοιο στα ελληνικά.

Fiscal Illusion is a public choice theory of government expenditure first developed by the Italian economist Amilcare Puviani. Fiscal Illusion suggests that when government revenues are unobserved or not fully observed by taxpayers then the cost of government is perceived to be less expensive than it actually is. Since some or all taxpayers benefit from government expenditures from these unobserved or hidden revenues the public's demand for government expenditures increases, thus providing politicians incentive to expand the size of government.

Fiscal Illusion has been used to explain the flypaper effect often seen when a higher level of government provides a grant to a lower level of government. Here, instead of reducing taxes in order to pass on the benefits of the grant to local taxpayers, the grant-receiving body increases expenditures in order to expand local services in some way. Fiscal Illusion is invoked as an explanation because the local taxpayers are under the mistaken perception that the grant is to local government and not, in fact, to them. Another example of fiscal illusion can be seen in local property tax politics. Here renters, who pay local property taxes indirectly, may vote for an expansion of local government services. Fiscal illusion theory suggests they support this policy because its cost is masked by its roundabout nature (through an increase in their rent payments).

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Αυτή η αυταπάτη του χρήματος που βλέπω εδώ, δηλαδή money illusion, τι είναι; Έχει καμιά σχέση με το fiscal illusion;


Staff member
Μάλλον ψευδαίσθηση δεν πρέπει να είναι εδώ το illusion, καθότι αυτό ακριβώς (δηλ. η ψευδαίσθηση ότι το κράτος κοστίζει λιγότερο) δημιουργείται στους φορολογούμενους;


Super Moderator
Staff member
Μα και η απόδοση του money illusion ως χρηματική αυταπάτη μάλλον αποτυχημένη είναι. Ψευδαίσθηση έπρεπε να έχει αποδοθεί, κατά τη γνώμη μου.


Staff member
OK, δημοσιονομική ψευδαίσθηση. (Προβληματίστηκα για λίγο με την «πλάνη».)

Από άλλη πηγή:

The hypothesis that bureaucratic power increases the size of government presumes that the bureaucracy can deceive the legislature about the true costs of supplying different levels of output. The fiscal illusion hypothesis presumes that the legislature can deceive the citizens about the true size of government.
The fiscal illusion explanation for government size assumes that citizens measure the size of government by the size of their tax bill. To bring about an increase in government size, for which the citizens are not willing to pay voluntarily, the legislative-executive entities must increase the citizens’ tax burden in such a way that the citizens are unaware that they are paying more in taxes, or be willing to pay the price of citizen displeasure at the next election. If tax burdens can be disguised in this way, citizens have the illusion that the burden of government is smaller than it actually is, and government can grow beyond the levels citizens prefer.