Ξέρω ότι η επιταγή στην Ελλάδα χρησιμοποιείται, χμμ, κάπως διαφορετικά από ό,τι συνηθίζεται παγκοσμίως, αλλά μήπως γνωρίζετε πώς λέγεται (αν λέγεται) στα ελληνικά το (electronic) check conversion;
Το τι είναι αυτό, το περιγράφει ο ιστότοπος της FED:
When Is Your Check Not A Check?
Suppose you're at a store making a purchase and decide to pay by check--at least, that's what you believe you're doing.
But then the clerk runs your check through a machine and hands the voided check back to you with your receipt. Later, when you get your bank statement, that check isn't listed with your other check transactions. Instead, you notice an electronic debit to the store for the amount of the transaction.
What happened? Did you pay by check or not? Why did the clerk return the check to you? The answer is, you just experienced electronic check conversion.
Και συνεχίζει από εκεί:
What is electronic check conversion?
Electronic check conversion is a process in which your check is used as a source of information--for the check number, your account number, and the number that identifies your financial institution. The information is then used to make a one-time electronic payment from your account--an electronic fund transfer. The check itself is not the method of payment.
Το τι είναι αυτό, το περιγράφει ο ιστότοπος της FED:
When Is Your Check Not A Check?
Suppose you're at a store making a purchase and decide to pay by check--at least, that's what you believe you're doing.
But then the clerk runs your check through a machine and hands the voided check back to you with your receipt. Later, when you get your bank statement, that check isn't listed with your other check transactions. Instead, you notice an electronic debit to the store for the amount of the transaction.
What happened? Did you pay by check or not? Why did the clerk return the check to you? The answer is, you just experienced electronic check conversion.
Και συνεχίζει από εκεί:
What is electronic check conversion?
Electronic check conversion is a process in which your check is used as a source of information--for the check number, your account number, and the number that identifies your financial institution. The information is then used to make a one-time electronic payment from your account--an electronic fund transfer. The check itself is not the method of payment.