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One of the fundamental tasks of the State is to striate the space over which it reigns, or to utilize smooth spaces as a means of communication in the service of striated space. It is a vital concern of every State not only to vanquish nomadism but to control migrations and more generally, to establish a zone of rights over an entire "exterior," over all flows traversing the ecumenon. If it can help it, the State does not dissociate itself from a process of capture of flows of all kinds, populations, commodities or commerce, money or capital, etc.
Ωραίο το "οικούμενον"! :) Πιθανολογώ ότι ο συγγραφέας σου δηλώνει με τον όρο αυτό την επικράτεια της κρατικής οντότητας.

Συναντώ και μια περίπτωση αντιστικτικής χρήσης των όρων ecumenon=μητρόπολη και exoteron=αποικίες ("ecumenon"&f=false).

Τις χρήσεις της λέξης σε γεωλογία ή αρχιτεκτονική τις οποίες συναντώ γκουκλίζοντας, μάλλον καλύτερα να τις αφήσουμε στην άκρη...


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Πράγματι, είναι ωραίο το οικούμενον, ο οικουμενικός χώρος.

Ορίστε άλλος ένας ορισμός από το Deleuze and Geophilosophy: A Guide and Glossary.

ecumenon: the abstract machine as it composes a stratum, as opposed to the Planomenon of the plane of consistency (49-50; 56; 73). Although the Ecumenon composes the ‘unity of composition’ of a stratum by establishing ‘the identity of [exterior] molecular materials, [interior] substantial elements, and formal relations [limits or membranes]’, it is never unitary, but is broken by the diversity of epistrata and parastrata (52; 73). The ecumenon or universal reach of a religious body, for example, has an interior that contains the converted, an exterior consisting of the unconverted, and a border or membrane whereby the religion both protects its own integrity and projects its messages; missionaries are border patrols in search of converts by force of word or deed. But this unity is broken by the diversity of epistrata (different internal steady states or organizational nuances: ecclesiastical heresy) and parastrata (different affects, or capacities for becomings when encountering other assemblages: ‘syncretism’, doctrinal heresy).


Θα το αφήσω λοιπόν "οικούμενον". Και "ελληνικός όρος" είναι και προσεγγίζει τη σημασία που του δίνουν οι συγγραφείς και ανήκει στην ορολογία τους. Εκτός αν έχετε δεύτερες σκέψεις.