Χαιρετώ το πλήθος (που ελπίζω ότι θα με βοηθήσει). Το ερώτημά μου αφορά τον όρο "decaying currency". Έχω ψάξει αρκετά (ομολογώ ότι ίσως υπάρχουν μέθοδοι αναζήτησης που αγνοώ) σε λεξικά, άρθρα κλπ... άκρη δεν έχω βγάλει. Ο όρος αναφέρεται στο χρήμα που θα έπρεπε να χάνει την αξία του, όπως χάνει την αξία του κι ένα προϊόν:
"It would be a money that, like bread, becomes less valuable over time. It would be money, in other words, that decays—money that is subject to a negative interest rate, also known as a demurrage charge"
Το κομμάτι που έχω εγώ να μεταφράσω είναι το παρακάτω, και, για περισσότερο σασπένς, υπάρχει και το "depreciating currency", το οποίο έχω μεταφράσει ως "υποτιμούμενο χρήμα". Δεν αποκλείω την πιθανότητα να είναι απλή περίπτωση όλο αυτό, αλλά εγώ έχω κολλήσει. Το μόνο που έχω σκεφτεί είναι το "παρακμάζον", γιατί μόνο από το "παρακμάζω" μπορώ να βγάλω μετοχή που δείχνει κάτι σε εξέλιξη. Αλλά και που το αναφέρω νοιώθω κάπως άβολα, μου φαίνεται εντελώς αταίριαστο.
Demurrage originally referred to a storage cost for goods, for example in addition to freight shipping costs. This term naturally applies to decaying currency because it applies to the use of money as a “store” of value. The goods for which it could be exchanged have upkeep costs, carry costs, and storage costs; therefore so should the money. The disadvantage of this term is that it is unfamiliar to most people and awkward. Depreciating currency captures the idea that the value of the money declines with time. Unfortunately, the term is easily misunderstood to mean a depreciation in the purchasing power of the currency itself, rather than in the value of each token unit of it. Usually, depreciation refers to the value of a currency in relation to other currencies. “Negative interest” conveys the basic idea very effectively, especially in describing the system as a whole. It can create confusion, however, since interest usually applies to lending money and not to money itself. I will use these various terms interchangeably in this book, along with Silvio Gesell’s term, “free-money.”
Ό,τι προαιρείσθε
"It would be a money that, like bread, becomes less valuable over time. It would be money, in other words, that decays—money that is subject to a negative interest rate, also known as a demurrage charge"
Το κομμάτι που έχω εγώ να μεταφράσω είναι το παρακάτω, και, για περισσότερο σασπένς, υπάρχει και το "depreciating currency", το οποίο έχω μεταφράσει ως "υποτιμούμενο χρήμα". Δεν αποκλείω την πιθανότητα να είναι απλή περίπτωση όλο αυτό, αλλά εγώ έχω κολλήσει. Το μόνο που έχω σκεφτεί είναι το "παρακμάζον", γιατί μόνο από το "παρακμάζω" μπορώ να βγάλω μετοχή που δείχνει κάτι σε εξέλιξη. Αλλά και που το αναφέρω νοιώθω κάπως άβολα, μου φαίνεται εντελώς αταίριαστο.
Demurrage originally referred to a storage cost for goods, for example in addition to freight shipping costs. This term naturally applies to decaying currency because it applies to the use of money as a “store” of value. The goods for which it could be exchanged have upkeep costs, carry costs, and storage costs; therefore so should the money. The disadvantage of this term is that it is unfamiliar to most people and awkward. Depreciating currency captures the idea that the value of the money declines with time. Unfortunately, the term is easily misunderstood to mean a depreciation in the purchasing power of the currency itself, rather than in the value of each token unit of it. Usually, depreciation refers to the value of a currency in relation to other currencies. “Negative interest” conveys the basic idea very effectively, especially in describing the system as a whole. It can create confusion, however, since interest usually applies to lending money and not to money itself. I will use these various terms interchangeably in this book, along with Silvio Gesell’s term, “free-money.”
Ό,τι προαιρείσθε