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Dare I say/I dare say

"Dare I say it" is an expression. If someone wants to say something that will probably raise some objections, he adds this rhetorical question. It's as if he is asking him/herself if he should dare say it or she shouldn't.
--If Cameron were American, or, dare I say [it], English, he would be lauded to the skies.

It isn't the same as "I dare say". What would the latter also be in Greek?
It has two similar usages:-
a. (it is) quite possible (that)
b. probably: used as sentence substitute.;)


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Οι γρήγορες προτάσεις μου:

dare I say (it) = έστω | πώς να το πω
If Cameron were American, or, dare I say [it], English, he would be lauded to the skies. (=...ή, έστω, Εγγλέζος...)
This famous novel is a little, dare I say it, dull. = ... είναι, πώς να το πω, ανιαρή.

I dare say = υποθέτω, φαντάζομαι | πιθανόν, πιθανότατα
I dare say you’ve heard about her. Υποθέτω (ότι)...