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climate change abolitionist


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Climate change abolitionists: who is fighting for a more sustainable world?

It took Abraham Lincoln and others many years of campaigning to abolish slavery - but who are the contemporary figures fighting to abolish dangerous climate change?

Here we have a selection of climate change abolitionists, those engaging in an uphill battle to challenge the broken systems that threaten our survival. As you can see, we've left eighteen spaces blank - these are for your suggestions.

Αν πάμε μέσω αμερικάνικης ιστορίας, ας θυμηθούμε ότι abolitionist = υπέρμαχος της κατάργησης της δουλείας, υποστηρικτής της κατάργησης της δουλείας.
Αυτοί εδώ είναι πολέμιοι της κλιματικής αλλαγής και υποστηρικτές της αειφορίας.