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cancellation policy (colloquially)


Hello amazing Greek translator friends,

The other day I was trying to make a hotel reservation for a friend who might not come... and wanted to ask what their (the hotel's) cancellation policy is, but couldn't find the words... for example, some hotels have a 3-day cancellation policy and some a 24-hour policy. Any suggestions how one could phrase that without sounding "flaky"?

Thank you!:eek:
Normally the hotel itself should state this in its site without being asked. Anyway, you can put your question as follows:
Τι ισχύει σε περίπτωση ακύρωσης;


Staff member
If they publish it somewhere on the web, it could be under "Πολιτική ακυρώσεων" or simply "Ακυρώσεις".