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Bloody hell!

"Bloody hell", often pronounced "Bloody 'ell," can mean "Damn it," or be used as a general expression of surprise or as a general intensifier. It is an extremely common sentence-opening oath meaning 'oh my God'' or merely an indication of surprise. If I was surprised by something or someone told me about something dreadful I might say 'bloody hell!' i.e. it is a phrase without meaning that is used as an exclamation in place of stronger words or phrases that the user has been taught are unsuitable for use in his current situation, or are blasphemous, etc. Its use generally accompanies surprise, extreme annoyance, sudden frustration, or unexpected pain.
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When used as an expression of surprise, I would rather say it could be translated as any of the following, depending heavily on context and the character of the one who utters it:

-τι στα κομμάτια;
-τι στο διάολο; (τι στο διάτανο, is an old alternative for people not wanting to mention the devil)
-τι στην ευχή;
-καλά, είμαστε σοβαροί;
-πλάκα κάνεις!
-αν είναι δυνατόν!
-ο Χριστός κι η Παναγία!
-Χριστός κι Απόστολος!

You can also use some of them to translate the cursing version of the phrase, like that:

-άι στα κομμάτια!
-άι στην ευχή!
-άι στο διάολο (also, α στο διάλο)!