"Bank manager faints at the mayor's ball" (poem/transcription help)


New member
written and recited by Michael D. Higgins, president of Ireland

The mayor was dancing with her golden chain
not dangling, but nestling on her ample bosom
when she turned to the bank manager and said:
"Come on outta that and give us a dance!"
He was a frightened (or franked?) man
but he knew his duty
"we make it a slow warming?" she said
and he trembled.
Three brandies? later for the benefit of the bank and the safe branch his cold came
"Hold me touch me" said "I love a tight squeeze"
[...] I got no time for this hype ? loosen stuff.
The first citizen in the bank danced
cheek-to-cheek, every usurious fibre was tested
as she breathed on his bald head, she joked occasionally as she laughed and missed a step.
Oh, if I had you in my time
on the kitchen floor, she said
I'd give you a one-two-three you'd never forget

A perspiration beated his [...] his legs turned to [...], his eyes blurred as he set to the floor.
"Dear Jesus he 's fainted!" [...] out of lack of respect for the dignity of my office [...]
I 've never trusted the banks.
They picked him up and she said he needed air
but taking our hand back and walking away she [...] more and said[...]for the dignity of the office
it's a poor[...]at the mayor's ball [...]
with safety...little box we carried [...] but a box
blowing her nose she laughed and the band played on at the mayor's ball.
Τι καταλαβαίνω εγώ:
The mayor was dancing with her golden chain
not dangling, but nestling on her ample bosom
when she turned to the bank manager and said:
"Come on outta that and give us a dance!"
He was a frightened man
but he knew his duty
"Shall we make it a slow one?" she said
and he trembled.
Three […] later for the benefit of the bank and the [safety of his branch his call?] came
"Hold me touch me" she said "I love a tight squeeze
I got no time for this highfalutin stuff.”
The first citizen and the banker danced
cheek-to-cheek, every usurious fibre was tested
as she breathed on his bald head, she joked occasionally as she laughed and missed a step.
Oh, if I had you in my time
on the kitchen floor, she said
I'd give you a one-two-three you'd never forget

As perspiration beaded on his brow, his legs turned to jelly,
his eyes blurred as he sank to the floor.
"Dear Jesus he 's fainted! What lack of respect for the dignity of my office.
But then again I 've never trusted the banks.”
They picked him up and said he needed air
but taking her hand back and walking away she coldly looked them over
and simply said with all the dignity of the office
“It's a poor thing at the mayor's ball
when the chain can’t waltz with safety
[…] little box […]
It isn’t air he needs but a box”
Blowing her nose she laughed
and the band played on at the mayor's ball.


Staff member
Three brandies later for the benefit of the bank and the safe branch, his call came
"Hold me tight"
, she said...


Staff member
Bank manager faints at the mayor's ball"...

The mayor was dancing with her golden chain
not dangling, but nestling on her ample bosom
when she turned to the bank manager and said:
“Come on outta that and give us a dance!”
He was a frightened man but he knew his duty
“We’ll make it a slow one,” she said and he trembled.
Three brandies later for the benefit of the bank and a safe branch,
his call came.
“Hold me tight,” she said, “I love a tight squeeze for the waltz,
and I’ve no time for this highfalutin stuff.”
The first citizen and the bank danced cheek-to-cheek,
every usurious fibre was tested
as she breathed on his bald head.
She joked occasionally as she laughed and missed a step.
“Oh, if I had you in my time on the kitchen floor,” she said
“I’d give you a one-two-three you’d never forget.”

The perspiration beaded his brow, his legs turned to jelly,
his eyes blurred as he sank to the floor.
“Dear Jesus, he’s fainted!” the first lady said.
“What lack of respect for the dignity of my office.
But then I’ve never trusted the banks.”
They picked him up and said he needed air
but, taking her handbag and walking away,
she coldly looked at ’em all and simply said,
with all the dignity of the office:
“It’s a poor thing at the mayor’s ball
when the Chain can’t waltz with safety
with those who for our own account
bought the little box we carry it in.
It isn’t air he needs, but a box.”
Blowing her nose, she laughed,
and the band played on at the mayor’s ball.
Σωστός! Πώς το κατάλαβες το "for our own account", δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ!
Μόνο μία παρατήρηση: ο daeman έχει δίκιο στο Hold me tight.
Ωστε Chain με κεφαλαίο για το αξίωμα, λοιπόν... Huh!


Staff member
Πρέπει να το ξανακούσω. Βλέπω ότι πρέπει να διορθώσω και τη στίξη σε κάποια μέρη.

OK, done!


New member
Ευχαριστώ πολύ. Εδώ και μια πρώτη μετάφραση.

Τραπεζίτης λιποθύμησε σε πάρτυ δημαρχίνας

Η δημαρχίνα χόρευε με την χρυσή καδένα της,
δεν πέταγε μα κούρνιαζε στο πλούσιό της στήθος,
σαν γύρισε στον τραπεζίτη κι είπε:
"Άντε βγες απ' αυτού και χόρεψε για μας!"
Φοβήθηκε ο άνθρωπος μα γνώριζε το καθήκον του
"θα κάνουμε ένα αργό χορό" είπε και εκείνος σάστισε.
Μετά από τρία ποτήρια μπράντυ, για το καλό της τράπεζας
και την ασφάλεια του υποκαταστήματος, πήρε την απόφαση.
"Κράτα με σφιχτά!" είπε "στράγγιξέ με στο βαλς!"
"δεν είμαι μη μου άπτου!"
Η πρώτη πολίτης κι ο τραπεζίτης χόρεψαν μάγουλο με μάγουλο,
κάθε τοκογλυφική ίνα του σώματός του δοκιμάστηκε,
καθώς ανάσανε στο γυμνό του κεφάλι
πού και πού έκανε αστεία γελώντας και χάνοντας το βήμα
"Αχ, αν στα νιάτα μου σ' είχα
θα σου 'δινα μια, δυο, τρείς, που ποτέ δεν θα ξέχναγες!"

Ο ιδρώτας στο μέτωπό του έσταζε, τα πόδια του έγιναν ζελές,
και τα μάτια του θόλωσαν καθώς έπεφτε στο πάτωμα.
"Χριστέ μου λιποθύμησε!" η πρώτη κυρία είπε.
"Τι έλλειψη σεβασμού για το κύρος του αξιώματός μου!
Μα ποτέ δεν εμπιστευόμουν τις τράπεζες".
Τον σήκωσαν, και είπε αυτή, αέρα θα 'χε ανάγκη,
μα παίρνοντας την τσάντα της και φεύγοντας,
ψυχρά τον κοίταξε λέγοντας:
"Τι κρίμα στης δημαρχίνας το χορό
όταν η διαπλοκή δεν μπορεί με ασφάλεια να βαλσάρει
με αυτούς που για λογαριασμό μας
αγόρασαν το κουτί που μέσα μεταφέρουμε.
Αέρα δεν χρειάζεται μα ένα κουτί!"
Φυσώντας τη μύτη της γέλασε,
κι η μπάντα συνέχισε να παίζει στη δημαρχίνας τον χορό.

1. κουτί ίσως σπόντα για χρηματοκιβώτιο


New member
...με την χρυσή καδένα της,
που ακούνιστη εκούρνιαζε στο πλούσιό της στήθος...

...χρόνο δεν έχω περισσό να ζήσω μεγαλεία!...(highfaluting stuff)

Τι κρίμα...όταν η καδένα μου δεν μπορεί με ασφάλεια να βαλσάρει