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An officer and a gentleman

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The first similar quotation in the Oxford English Dictionary is from Mrs Gaskell's 'North and South', published in 1855:-

--'I will bear with all proper patience everything that one officer and gentleman can take from another.'

The magazine 'Porcupine', on July 29, 1871, had:-
They want their purchase, their officer-and-gentleman hobby, their agreeable club of an army left undisturbed.

The first recorded example of the exact wording in the question is in Rudyard Kipling's 'Plain Tales from the Hills' (1888):-
Golightly spent that summer trying to get the Corporal tried by Court-Martial for arresting an 'officer and a gentleman'.

The expression probably has its origins in British Army regulations. A set of Articles of War drawn up in 1872 includes 'Any officer who shall behave in a scandalous manner, unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman, shall .... be cashiered.':eek:mg:


Μου θυμίζει κάπως το "τύπος και υπογραμμός". (Δεν ξέρω αν το παράκανα :eek:mg:)


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Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε «ένας κύριος με τα όλα του» ή «ένας γνήσιος τζέντλεμαν». Καταθέτω το λήμμα του OED:

b.4.b Phr. (an) officer and (a) gentleman, applied to a person embodying the civilized qualities expected of both, freq. used ironically, also (occas. with hyphens) attrib. or as adj. phr. Hence officer-and-gentlemanly adj.

   1845 Mrs. Gaskell North & S. (1855) I. xiv. 164, I will bear with all proper patience everything that one officer and gentleman can take from another.    1871 Porcupine 29 July 275/3 They want their purchase, their officer-and-gentleman hobby, their‥agreeable club of an army left undisturbed.    1888 Kipling Plain Tales from Hills 123 Golightly spent‥that summer trying to get the Corporal‥tried by Court-Martial for arresting an ‘officer and a gentleman’.    1926 ― Debits & Credits 334 Ignatius is one of the subtlest intellects we have, and an officer and a gentleman to boot.    1946 E. O'Neill Iceman Cometh (1947) i. 48, I give you my word of honour as an officer and a gentleman, you shall be paid tomorrow.    1962 I. Murdoch Unofficial Rose xxxi. 304 He was paying the penalty‥for being an officer and a gentleman.    1966 A. Prior Operators iii. 28 Oh, coming the officer and gentleman touch, was he?    1969 K. Giles Death cracks Bottle x. 110 We will just be very nice to the police in an officer-and-gentlemanly way.    1971 ‘H. Calvin’ Poison Chasers ix. 135 ‘'Evening, Sergeant,’ I said. Hard, officer-and-gentleman tone.    1974 ‘J. Graham’ Bloody Passage i. 11 There wasn't much I could do except put my head on the block like an officer and a gentleman.

Για να βρίσκεται: Η ταινία είχε αποδοθεί Ιπτάμενος και τζέντλεμαν.


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Κάποια στιγμή θα πρέπει να μπει εδώ και το ανέκδοτο με τον αξιωματικό που είχε συλληφθεί κατηγορούμενος για μοιχεία και είχε οδηγηθεί στο αστυνομικό τμήμα γυμνός, τυλιγμένος στα σεντόνια. Πέρα από τους μπελάδες με τον απατημένο σύζυγο, ο αξιωματικός παραπέμφθηκε και στο στρατοδικείο επειδή η συμπεριφορά του δεν ήταν αντάξια ενός officer and gentleman. Εκείνος όμως, συνεχίζει το ανέκδοτο, κατάφερε να αθωωθεί επικαλούμενος άρθρο του στρατιωτικού κανονισμού σύμφωνα με το οποίο ένας στρατιωτικός επιτρέπεται να εμφανίζεται δημόσια με τη στολή του αθλήματος στο οποίο πρόκειται να επιδοθεί.