(idiomatic) A person or thing which is unpleasant, disreputable, or otherwise unwanted, especially one which repeatedly appears at inopportune times.
--Like a bad penny it return'd, to me again.
[1766 A. Adams in L. H. Butterfield et al. Adams Family Correspondence (1963) I. 55]
Also 'turn up like a bad penny' meaning 'to arrive at a place or event where you are not wanted'
--She'll turn up again, like a bad penny, just you see.
The in-laws have just arrived!!:devil:
--Like a bad penny it return'd, to me again.
[1766 A. Adams in L. H. Butterfield et al. Adams Family Correspondence (1963) I. 55]
Also 'turn up like a bad penny' meaning 'to arrive at a place or event where you are not wanted'
--She'll turn up again, like a bad penny, just you see.
The in-laws have just arrived!!:devil: