μια φέτα ψωμί



Good evening,
Do you see any allusion, etc. here? i.e. φέτα: slice and/or cheese - 1.λεπτό κομμάτι σε όλο το πλάτος από κάτι, συνήθως φαγώσιμο μια φέτα ψωμί 2.είδος μαλακού λευκού τυριού)
Is the manner/ custom to offer a visitor for breakfast just "bread and wine" or "bread, cheese and wine"?
No allusion. Just bread and wine, literally. Wine has traditionally been considered as giving forces for any hard task (work, travel).


Staff member
No allusion. Just bread and wine, literally. Wine has traditionally been considered as giving forces for any hard task (work, travel).
I remember my grandpa in Crete having exactly that same breakfast every day: a piece of bread and a small glass of red wine before taking off to the fields just before sunrise and then to his saddle workshop. And when picking the olives in December, during the lunch break there was always wine for all hands, to give them strength and stamina for all that labor, while the boy that was me was sipping some when no one was looking and ended up sprawled on the sacks of olives loaded on the donkey on the way home. Cheese was reserved for δεκατιανό, literally at ten in the morning, halfway through the working day back then.

Μάνα - Νίκος Ξυλούρης

Μάνα μου, πόσο μέστωνε το στάρι στις ταφόπετρες
Πόσο γλυκό στη γέψη το ψωμί το ψυχοσάββατο
Και το κρασί στυφή παρηγοριά
Στο ξόδι του παππούλη

Μάνα, κρασί, μάνα, ψωμί, μάνα μ', ελιά και λάδι...