μέχρι τα οκτώ του κιόλας χρόνια

This is the Greek sentence I would like clarification on:

Ένα μέσο Ελληνόπουλο έχει μέχρι τα οκτώ του κιόλας χρόνια περάσει διπλάσιες ώρες μαζί της δηλ. τη τηλεόραση απ' όσες ένας μαθητής περνά πάνω στο γυμνασιακό θρανίο.

Does this mean that an eight year old child has spent twice as many hours with the TV or that an average Greek child of school age has spent up to the age of eight twice as many hours with the TV [as a student spends at his desk]?


Staff member
Your first interpretation is correct, Theseus: "The average eight-year-old Greek has already spent twice as many hours with the TV as high school students spend at their school desk."

Not mine, though, at least not by their eighth year. :-) And by then, the TV was already dead, devoured by the spiders of the web.


Ένα μέσο Ελληνόπουλο έχει μέχρι τα οκτώ του κιόλας χρόνια περάσει μαζί της, δηλ. με την τηλεόραση, διπλάσιες ώρες απ' όσες ένας μαθητής περνά πάνω στο γυμνασιακό θρανίο.