
In these three examples I am puzzled not only by this verbal form (it seems to be the past continuous or the aorist) but by the overall meaning:-

Κουράγιο, μικροκόρη μας, πού μας εγίνεις μάνα,
ύμνος και θρήνος της ζωής κι ανάστασης καμπάνα. Ρίτσος

[I understand the above words except for εγίνεις]

Παπάς εγίνεις Κωσταντή; Έτσι το 'φερ' η κατάρα. This is a proverbial expression but the text says it is a curse?! I don't know what it means but Sarant, I think, mentions it somewhere in the form Παπάς εγίνεις Κώστα μου.

(μάνα) Ρε ξύπνα να παείς σκολείο τζαι [does it mean 'you have become/you are becoming/you were becoming??] τέλλεια κουννόσιυλλος [lazy like a dog]!:curse:
Θεγξ, Σάραντ. Τι λοιπόν σημαίνει η παροιμία 'Παπάς εγίνεις Κωσταντή;


Mod Almighty
Staff member
-So, you've become a priest, Constantis? -Yes, I was cursed to (instead of "I was blessed to").