Τι ωραία παγκόσμια ξεφτίλα στο τελευταίο τεύχος του Newsweek!
The American government may owe China $799 billion, but when it comes to foreign debt per capita, the U.S. is relatively prudent. Especially compared with, say, Greece, where every man, woman, and child theoretically owes two and a half times as much as their American counterparts.
Figures based on external government debt, second quarter 2009
Sources: International Monetary Fund, U.s. Census Bureau, World Bank research by Matthew Philips and Ian Yarett
The American government may owe China $799 billion, but when it comes to foreign debt per capita, the U.S. is relatively prudent. Especially compared with, say, Greece, where every man, woman, and child theoretically owes two and a half times as much as their American counterparts.
- Greeks: $27,746
- Belgians: $27,023
- Austrians: $26,502
- Irish: $24,247
- Norwegians: $21,402
- Italians: $21,089
- Dutch: $20,412
- French: $18,946
- Germans: $15,574
- Finns: $13,617
- Americans: $11,094
- Danes: $9,410
- Spaniards: $8,715
- Swedes: $7,058
- Brits: $6,526
- Hungarians: $5,802
- Japanese: $5,322
- Canadians: $5,213
- Israelis: $3,843
- Slovenes: $3,635
Figures based on external government debt, second quarter 2009
Sources: International Monetary Fund, U.s. Census Bureau, World Bank research by Matthew Philips and Ian Yarett