Από ένα συνδυασμό διαφορετικών πηγών, καταθέτω τα παρακάτω ευρήματα για τους όρους του σουηδικού μασάζ και κάθε προσθήκη/διόρθωση είναι ευπρόσδεκτη.
Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (light touch), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (compression), and vibration. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee over a period of eight weeks. The development of Swedish massage is credited to Per Henrik Ling though the Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger adopted the French names to denote the basic strokes.
massage = μασάζ, μάλαξη
effleurage = θωπείες, χάιδεμα, ολίσθηση (;)
petrissage = ζύμωμα
tapotement = χτυπηματάκια
friction = εντριβή, τρίψιμο
vibration = (παλμικές) δονήσεις (;)
Υπάρχει και το stretching = διατάσεις, τέντωμα.
Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (light touch), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (compression), and vibration. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee over a period of eight weeks. The development of Swedish massage is credited to Per Henrik Ling though the Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger adopted the French names to denote the basic strokes.
massage = μασάζ, μάλαξη
effleurage = θωπείες, χάιδεμα, ολίσθηση (;)
petrissage = ζύμωμα
tapotement = χτυπηματάκια
friction = εντριβή, τρίψιμο
vibration = (παλμικές) δονήσεις (;)
Υπάρχει και το stretching = διατάσεις, τέντωμα.