Μουσικοί δρόμοι και πλατείες (όπως η πλατεία Βάθης)


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Dirty Boulevard (New York) - Lou Reed featuring David Bowie

Pedro lives out of the Wilshire Hotel
He looks out a window without glass
And the walls are made of cardboard, newspapers on his feet
And his father beats him 'cause he's too tired to beg

He's got 9 brothers and sisters
They're brought up on their knees
It's hard to run when a coat hanger beats you on the thighs
Pedro dreams of being older and killing the old man
But that's a slim chance
He's going to the boulevard

He's gonna end up on the dirty boulevard
He's going out to the dirty boulevard
He's going down to the dirty boulevard

This room costs $2,000 a month
You can believe it, man, it's true
Somewhere there's a landlord laughing till he wets his pants
No one dreams of being a doctor or a lawyer or anything
They dream of dealing on the dirty boulevard

Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor, I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses
Let's club 'em to death
And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard

Get 'em out on the dirty boulevard
Goin' out to the dirty boulevard
They're going down on the dirty boulevard
Goin' out

Outside it's a bright night
There's an opera at Lincoln Center
Movie stars arrive by limousine
The klieg lights shoot up over the skyline of Manhattan
But the lights are out on the mean streets

A small kid stands by the Lincoln Tunnel
He's selling plastic roses for a buck
The traffic's backed up to 39th Street
The TV whores are calling the cops out for a suck

And back at the Wilshire, Pedro sits there dreaming
He's found a book on Magic in a garbage can
He looks at the pictures
And stares up at the cracked ceiling
"At the count of 3," he says,
"I hope I can disappear."

And fly, fly away from this dirty boulevard
I want to fly from the dirty boulevard
I want to fly from the dirty boulevard
I want to fly-fly-fly-fly from the dirty boulevard

I want to fly away
I want to fly
Fly, fly away
I want to fly
Fly, fly away
Fly, fly away
Fly, fly away
Fly, fly away
I want to fly


Staff member
London Song - Ray Davies

There's a room in a house in a street in a manor in a borough
That's part of a city that is generally referred to as London
It's a dark place, a mysterious place
And it is said that if you're born within the sound of Bow-Bells
You have the necessary qualifications to be christened a Londoner
It's a cruel, hard, wicked place

But when you think back to all the great Londoners
William Blake, Charles Dickens, Dick Whittington,
Pearly kings, barrow boys, Arthur Daley, Max Wall, the Kray twins
Through the dark alley-ways and passages of London, London

But if you're ever up on Highgate Hill on a clear day
You can see right down to Leicester Square
Crystal Palace, Clapham Common, right down to Streatham Hill
North and South, I feel that I'm a Londoner still

Chiswick Bridge to Newham and East Ham
Churchbells ring out through the land
You were born in London, England
Through the dark alley-ways and passages of London, London

And there's a tap by a reservoir, leading to a stream,
That turns into a river estuary that eventually opens to the sea
And there's a docker by a wharf, sending cargo overseas,
Unloading foreign trade from a large ocean vessel
In the mighty metropolitan port of London

When I think of all the Londoners still unsung
East-enders, West-enders, Oriental-enders
Fu Manchu, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Spock, Henry Cooper,
Thomas A'Becket, Thomas Moore, and don't forget the Kray twins
Very dangerous people the Kray twins

There's a part of me that says "Get out"
Then one day I'll hear somebody shout
"Sounds to me like you come from London Town"

But if you're ever up on Highgate Hill on a clear day
I'll be there
Yes, I will be there
Through the dark alley-ways and passages of London, London


Well-known member
Ούτε απ' αυτό το νήμα είχα ξαναπεράσει…

Α, συμπληρώνω στο άρθρο του Ζουγρή, ότι Ηπείρου κι Αχαρνών που λέει ο Σαββό στον Καραγκιόζη ήταν η διεύθυνση του Κύτταρου (ή του Ροντέο;), όπου εμφανιζόταν τότε μαζί με τον Σπαθάρη.
Αυτό το «Έλα Ηπείρου κι Αχαρνών», το άκουγα μικρός –πολύ μικρός– και δεν καταλάβαινα τι έλεγε, και τραγουδούσα «Έλα γύρου-γιάχαρον»! :D

Τον ίδιο καιρό –πολύ μικρός, είπαμε– άκουγα κι αυτό:

Σ' ένα υπόγειο στην πλατεία Αβησσυνίας
συγκεντρωθήκαν τα ποντίκια μια φορά,
για να σκεφτούν πώς θα γλιτώσουν μια για πάντα
από του γάτου τον αιώνιο βραχνά…

Από ξένα, ένα ενδεικτικό:

Well it's 9th and Hennepin
All the donuts have names that sound like prostitutes

Δείτε όμως επ' ευκαιρία κι αυτό: The Tom Waits map.

Άντε κι ένα ακόμα, γιατί κάποιος πρέπει να τιμήσει και τα πανκιά:

Ι got some hard times
Two punks up on the subway
It's a long way to go
to get to Leicester Square

Και για κλείσιμο, Παυλίδης –περσινός:

Μ’ αρέσει όπως φαίνεται η θάλασσα
μέσα απ’ αυτόν τον ξεχασμένο ελαιώνα,
μα πιο πολύ μ’ αρέσει όταν ακούγεται
καμιά φορά τη νύχτα ανάμεσα στα δέντρα
ο απόηχος της πρώτης τρικυμίας

Λάμπες χαμένες εδώ κι εκεί
φωτίζουν τα ερείπια που απέμειναν
και μάταια περιμένουν να επιστρέψουμε
στην αμμουδιά της παιδικής μας ηλικίας

Μ’ αρέσει όταν στέκομαι ακίνητος
μέσα στο μποτιλιάρισμα
κοιτάζοντας αδιάκριτα μέσα στα αυτοκίνητα
Και τότε πλημμυρίζει η ψυχή μου
από ένα αίσθημα γλυκό κι ακατανόητο
για όλους εμάς
που ενώ το ξέρουμε πως κάποια μέρα δε θα υπάρχουμε
πλέουμε αργά το Σαββατόβραδο
στο σιδερένιο ποταμό μιας Τσιμισκή
ή κάποιας Κηφισίας


Staff member
Μίλησε κανείς για Leicester Square;

Μίλησε κανείς άλλος για Leicester Square;

Λεωφόρος Πανξουτόνι :p

Ορίστε και μια συγκεκριμένη πλατεία, από το Stand Up των Τζέθρο Ταλ:

Bright city woman
Walking down Leicester Square everyday.
Gonna get a piece of my mind.
You think you're not a piece of my kind.
Ev'rywhere the people looking.
Why don't you get up and sing?

Bright city woman
Where did you learn all the things you say?
You listen to the newsmen on TV.
You may fool yourself but you don't fool me.
I'll see you in another place, another time.
You may be someone's, but you won't be mine.


Well-known member
Ε, ναι, είπα να αποφύγω το Πανξουτόνι που το λέτε, και κότσαρα Πανξ, σκέτο... :p

Αφού όμως πήγατε '69, ας βάλω και κάτι ακόμα, από '70 έστω – at the risk of punxsutawney-ing, of course...

Asking only workman's wages, I come looking for a job
But I get no offers
Just a come-on from the whores on 7th Avenue


Active member
Πρώτα απ' όλα, μερικά τραγούδια που αναφέρονται όχι κάπου συγκεκριμένα, αλλά στον δρόμο γενικά.
Ένας δρόμος ανοιχτός, απέραντος και ονειρικός
Ένας δρόμος που βγάζει στο... πουθενά
...Η ηλιόλουστη πλευρά του δρόμου
αλλά και
στη λάθος πλευρά του δρόμου

then with my double barrel shotgun
and a whole box of shells
we’ll celebrate the 4 of july
we’ll do 100 mph
spendin someone elses dough
and we’ll drive all the way to reno
on the wrong side of the road


Well-known member
Aλλού κάναμε μια βουτιά στον Ντίλαν – δεν κάνουμε και μία στον Ουέιτς;

Όχι, γιατί, ξερωγώ, η λάθος πλευρά, είναι ξεκάθαρη νοηματικά. Μεγαλώνοντας, όμως, ο Τομ άρχισε να τα λέει πιο αφαιρετικά… 🙃

I'm on a black elevator goin' down
Little Joe from Kokomo, it rattles to the ground
The dice is laughin' at the man that it throwed
I'm rollin' over to the lowside of the road

Όσο για το Reno, εγώ στον παρακάτω στίχο το πρωτάκουσα, κι έτσι έχει μείνει χαραγμένο στη μνήμη μου:

Never been no Valentino
Had a girl who lived in Reno
Left me for a trumpet player
Didn't get me down
He was wanted for assault
Though he said it weren't his fault
Y'know the coppers rode him
right out of town