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Stridulation is the act of producing sound by rubbing together certain body parts. This behavior is mostly associated with insects, but other animals are known to do this as well, such as a number of species of fish, snakes and spiders. The mechanism is typically that of one structure with a well-defined lip, ridge, or nodules (the "scraper" or plectrum) being moved across a finely-ridged surface (the "file" or stridulitrum—sometimes called the pars stridens) or vice versa, and vibrating as it does so, like the dragging of a phonograph needle across a vinyl record. Sometimes it is the structure bearing the file which resonates to produce the sound, but in other cases it is the structure bearing the scraper, with both variants possible in related groups. Common onomatopoeic words for the sounds produced by stridulation include chirp and chirrup.

Μετά από λίγη χαβαλεδιάρικη γραφή και περίπου-νόημα νωρίτερα σήμερα, είπα να μάθω περισσότερα για τους γρύλους και τα τζιτζίκια, κι απ' ό,τι καταλαβαίνω από το άρθρο της αγγλικής Βικηπαίδειας για το τζιτζίκι (Cicada), το χαρακτηριστικό τους… τερέτισμα δεν λογίζεται ως stridulation. Κάποια είδη, λέει, το 'χουν ως μπόνους στο ρεπερτόριό τους:

Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced in most species by the rapid buckling and unbuckling of drum-like tymbals.

Και παρακάτω:

The "singing" of male cicadas is produced principally and in the majority of species using a special structure called a tymbal, a pair of which lies below each side of the anterior abdominal region. The structure is buckled by muscular action and, being made of resilin, unbuckles rapidly on muscle relaxation, producing their characteristic sounds. Some cicadas, however, have mechanisms for stridulation, sometimes in addition to the tymbals. Here, the wings are rubbed over a series of midthoracic ridges. In the Chinese species Subpsaltria yangi, both males and females can stridulate. The sounds may further be modulated by membranous coverings and by resonant cavities.

Υπάρχει ελληνική λέξη για τον συγκεκριμένο τρόπο παραγωγής ήχου;

Το τριφτίρισμα; :p


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Ερμηνευτικό Λεξικό Εντομολογικών Όρων, Κ. Θ. Μπουχέλος, Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών:

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