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to manage property


Two in a row for today. Wondering what phrase one would use to refer to the person who manages property as in real estate property. "Διαχειριστης ακινητων" would be the noun but what would the verb be for the act of managing real estate property when you want to say "So and so manages my real estate property"?

I'm looking for colloquial expressions like "Κάνει κουμάντο" but not that:)

Thank you.


Staff member
Hi. I've changed the title because "to property manage" did not sound right to me.

How would you like the more formal (more than "κάνω κουμάντο") "Ο τάδε έχει αναλάβει τη διαχείριση της ακίνητης περιουσίας μου", "Ο τάδε διαχειρίζεται την ακίνητη περιουσία μου"?