Ρήσεις περί μετάφρασης

Σκέφτηκα ότι θα είναι ευχάριστος και χρήσιμος ένας αποθέτης ρήσεων (λιγότερο ή περισσότερο αποφθεγματικών) για τη μετάφραση, και εγκαινιάζω:

"Silence is the common language, even when the words are not the same," she said. "If you commit to that path, your whole perspective of language and life is different. It's no longer a linguistic puzzle; it's something spiritual. You begin with an act of failure, in humbling yourself to the fact that you will never fully be able to translate the words - but as you travel backwards from that realization, images unravel themselves faster than you can chase them. I find it to be a more poetic way of approaching poetry, translation and the cultural differences we all encounter." (Fiona Sze-Lorrain)

The translator is the secret master of the difference of languages, a difference he is not out to abolish, but rather one he puts to use as he brings violent or subtle changes to bear on his own language, thus awakening within it the presence of that which is at origin different in the original.
Maurice Blanchot

A work is not ready for or worthy of translation unless it harbors this difference within itself in some available fashion, whether it be because it originally gestures toward some other language, or because it gathers within itself in some privileged manner those possibilities of being different from itself or foreign to itself which every living language possesses.
Maurice Blanchot

Translation is a process that involves looking for similarities between languages and cultures – particularly similar messages and formal techniques – but it does so only because it is constantly confronting dissimilarities. It can never and should never aim to remove these dissimilarities entirely. A translated text should be the site where a different culture emerges, where a reader gets a glimpse of cultural order, and resistancy, a translation strategy based on an aesthetic of discontinuity, can best preserve that difference, that otherness, by reminding the reader of the gains and losses in the translation process and the unbridgeable gaps between cultures.
Lawrence Venuti

Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

A translation is no translation, he said, unless it will give you the music of a poem along with the words of it.
John Millington Synge

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.
Robert Frost

The best thing on translation was said by Cervantes: translation is the other side of a tapestry.
Leonardo Sciascia

The original is unfaithful to the translation.
Jorge Luis Borges

Translation is an interestingly different way to be involved both with poetry and with the language that I've found myself living in much of the time. I think the two feed each other.
Marilyn Hacker

Translation is at best an echo.
George Borrow

Translation is the art of failure.
Umberto Eco

Translation makes me look at how a poem is put together in a different way, without the personal investment of the poem I'm writing myself, but equally closely technically.
Marilyn Hacker

True art selects and paraphrases, but seldom gives a verbatim translation.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich

What is lost in the good or excellent translation is precisely the best.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Common European thought is the fruit of the immense toil of translators. Without translators, Europe would not exist; translators are more important than members of the European Parliament.
Milan Kundera

Many critics, no defenders,
translators have but two regrets:
when we hit, no one remembers,
when we miss, no one forgets.

Say what we may of the inadequacy of translation, yet the work is and will always be one of the weightiest and worthiest undertakings in the general concerns of the world.
J. W. Goethe

Translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture.
Anthony Burgess

Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as is possible, and moves the reader towards him: or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him.
Friedrich Schleiermacher

Translation quality assessment proceeds according to the lordly, completely unexplained, whimsy of “It doesn’t sound right”.
Peter Fawcett

Translators live off the differences between languages, all the while working toward eliminating them.
Edmond Cary

Translators have to prove to themselves as to others that they are in control of what they do; that they do not just translate well because they have a “flair” for translation, but rather because, like other professionals, they have made a conscious effort to understand various aspects of their work.
Mona Baker

Any translation which intends to perform a transmitting function cannot transmit anything but information–hence, something inessential. This is the hallmark of bad translations. Walter Benjamin

Translations are a partial and precious documentation of the changes the text suffers.
Jorge Luis Borges

I do not hesitate to read. all good books in translations. What is really best in any book is translatable-any real insight or broad human sentiment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Translation presents not merely a paradigm but the utmost case of engaged literary interpretation
John Felstiner

The process of translating comprises in its essence the whole secret of human understanding of the world and of social communication.
Hans Georg Gadamer

The problem of translation is to retreat to a simpler tenor of one's own style and creatively adjust this to one's author.
Paul Goodman

Translators: sellers of old mended shoes and boots, between cobblers and shoemakers.
Francis Grose

Translator, traitor.
Italian Proverb

All translation is a compromise - the effort to be literal and the effort to be idiomatic.
Benjamin Jowett

To talk about translation is rather like talking about the glass in front of a picture when it is the picture itself that engrosses our attention
J. Lehmann

Europe owes its civilization to translators.
Kelly Louis Western

Translations are one of the vital necessities of our time.
F.C. Lucas

Translation is the paradigm, the exemplar of all writing. It is translation that demonstrates most vividly the yearning for transformation that underlies every act involving speech, that supremely human gift.
Good Harry Mathews

It is neither the best nor the worst things in a book that defy translation.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.
Ezra Pound

A translation can never equal the original; it can approach it, and its quality can only be judged as to accuracy by how close it gets.
Gregory Rabassa

A translator is essentially a reader and we all read differently, except that a translator's reading remains in unchanging print
Gregory Rabassa

I have always maintained that translation is essentially the closest reading one can possibly give a text. The translator cannot ignore "lesser" words, but must consider every jot and tittle.
Gregory Rabassa

Translation is a disturbing craft because there is precious little certainty about what we are doing, which makes it so difficult in this age of fervent belief and ideology, this age or greed and screed.
Gregory Rabassa

The translator's task is much harder than that of the original author.
Theodore Savory

It is impossible to translate poetry. Can you translate music?

Translations increase the faults of a work and spoil its beauties.

The best translators have been those writers who have composed original works of the same species.

It is useless to read Greek in translation; translators can but offer us a vague equivalent.
Virginia Woolf

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