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"Grunt" (=raw power)

"Grunt" is common Australian slang for a masculine man, and for raw power.
A teenage girl has gone berserk at a band practice in her school. She has smashed the toilet up and scratched the guitar of a band member in the process. The teenage 'promoter' of the band has met the lead singer to try and sort it out.
Example:-[I've given a lot of context to establish the exact nuance of the word 'grunt' in this context and usage]

--That's the cost of for Smithy’s scratched guitar.
--You must be kidding.
--That scratched guitar is the best thing that ever happened to Red Cotton.
--How do you figure that out.
--Everybody likes a band with a little bit of grunt and that's exactly what they are going to see.
--They are going to see a 14 year old psycho smashing up the bathroom.
--With your single layered over the top. We've got the footage!:up:


Staff member
Βρίσκουμε κάποιες προτάσεις για την τραχύτητα και τη σκληράδα και τη βαρβατίλα στο νήμα:

αλλά θα πρέπει να σου γνωρίσω το κουτρουμπούσειο ΚΔΩΑ.
Όπου ΚΔΩΑ = Κτηνώδης Δύναμις, Ωγκώδης Άγνοια (η ανορθογραφία όπως και στους Inglourious Basterds του Ταραντίνο).


Staff member
How does a person pronounce Greek abbreviations?
It would be a good idea to write an appropriate study, especially one addressed to foreigners learning Greek. Anyone knows of such a study, in Greek or in English?

And this is [k'ðoa] or [k[SUP]ə[/SUP]'ðoa] if you can't pronounce [kð] without an intermediate sound.