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I can come and go as I choose

A very common idiomatic phrase meaning you can decide your movements without any external interference or prevention e.g. I used to live in a shared flat but the landlord was very intrusive. Now I've got my own place I can come and go as I choose. A longer example:-
How to Pick the Best Poker Table
Finding the best table to play at is a skill in itself. Normally, table selection doesn't come into play if you're accustomed to playing in anything but big casinos, where you might be able to select your table. Most of the time however, the floor man directs you to a table to be seated at and that's it. Online poker is very different in this aspect, because you can come and go as you choose.


Staff member
Season's greetings, Theseus.

Allow me to quote an idiom (for "as I choose") that I wouldn't use on an online poker site, but I'm sure you'll enjoy.

του κάπνισε να πάει εκδρομή κι έφυγε χωρίς να πει κουβέντα | κάνει ό,τι του καπνίσει και δεν δίνει λογαριασμό σε κανέναν | αντί να έχει ένα σταθερό ωράριο, έρχεται και φεύγει όποτε του καπνίσει.
(From the Babiniotis dictionary)

Our friend sarant has published a little book titled Το αλφαβητάρι των ιδιωματικών εκφράσεων, which includes the idiom but tells us nothing about its origin:
κάνει ό,τι του καπνίσει: ενεργεί απερίσκεπτα ή ασύδοτα, σύμφωνα με τις εκάστοτε ξαφνικές επιθυμίες ή ιδιοτροπίες του, κάνει ό,τι του κατέβει.
Το χρήμα το μισώ, το πετώ, το σπαταλώ όπου και όπως μου καπνίσει. [Καζαντζάκης, Αλέξης Ζορμπάς, σελ. 173]