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Now the boot is on the other foot

'The boot is on the other foot ' (British & Australian) also 'the shoe is on the other foot' (American)
if you say that the boot is on the other foot, you mean that a situation is now the opposite of what it was before, often because a person who was in a weak position is now in a strong position In the past.
--We had great influence over their economy, but the boot is on the other foot now.
--The Nazi concentration camp guards tortured and humiliated the inmates. After the camps were liberated, the guards were subjected to the same tortures now inflicted by their former captives. Now the boot is truly on the other foot.
cf. the similar idiom;- 'the roles are reversed' and 'the tables are turned.


Staff member
Κοντά στην «τούμπα» που λέει παραπάνω ο Δρ7χ:

Αλλάξανε τα πράγματα /
ήρθαν τα πάνω κάτω, κι όποιος δεν το κατάλαβε, του φέρνω το μαντάτο.
Και οι έσχατοι έσονται πρώτοι.

Από το ναδίρ στο ζενίθ.

Από τον βυθό στον αφρό.

Ναι, ναι, ναι, ξέρω, ξέρω, σε άλλο συγκείμενο, με υγρασία 89%, θερμοκρασία 25,5 βαθμούς Κελσίου και να 'ναι ισημερία... :Ρ