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Mexican jumping beans = πηδηχτά φασόλια του Μεξικού, μεξικάνικα πηδηχτά φασόλια


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Υπάρχουν τα μεξικάνικα φασόλια που πηδάνε ή είναι μύθος; Βεβαίως υπάρχουν. Πρέπει να είχα δει τέτοια και σε κάποια λονδρέζικη έκθεση πριν από δεκαετίες. Το «φασόλι» (καρπός ενός μεξικάνικου θαμνόδεντρου της ερήμου) πηδάει όταν η κάμπια που έχει βρει καταφύγιο εκεί μέσα ζεσταίνεται πολύ και προσπαθεί να μετακινήσει το φασόλι σε πιο δροσερό μέρος. Λεπτομερής εξήγηση στη Wikipedia:

A Mexican jumping bean is an occurrence native to Mexico, where it is known as Frijoles saltarines. Physically, Mexican jumping beans resemble small beans, tan to brown in colour. They are a seed pod through which the larva of a small moth has chewed. The bean "jumps" because when it gets in a hot place the larva snaps its body hoping to roll to a cooler place. The beans are from a shrub often referred to as the jumping bean

After the egg hatches, the larva eats away the inside of the bean, making a hollow place for itself. It attaches itself to the bean with many silk threads.

The larva may live for months inside the bean with varying periods of dormancy. If the larva has adequate conditions of moisture and temperature, it will live long enough to go into a pupal stage. Normally, in the spring, the moth will force its way out of the bean through a round "trap door", leaving behind the pupal casing. The small, silver and gray-colored moth will live for only a few days.

The larvae jump as a survival measure in order to protect themselves from heat, which can cause them to dry out. The heat from the sun stimulates them to jump, even in cool temperatures. Leaving the beans in the sun for extended periods, however, will dehydrate and kill them.

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