Δαι μουσικές (daeman's tunes)


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A horse with no name - America

After two days in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
After three days in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead

You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain


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Τα παιδιά της γειτονιάς σου - Μάρθα Φριντζήλα, Χαΐνηδες & Mode Plagal

Σα γλιστρώ και πέφτω κάτω και λασπώνομαι
Σα γλιστρώ και πέφτω κάτω και λασπώνομαι
Βάζω μπρος τα δυο μου χέρια και σηκώνομαι


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Η κατάσταση των πραγμάτων (Ο ξυπόλυτος πρίγκιπας) - Xαΐνηδες

Τραγούδι: Δημήτρης Αποστολάκης - Μαρία Κώτη
Μουσική - Στίχοι: Δημήτρης Αποστολάκης

Κοίτα που θα τα πλερώσω πάλι όλα τα σπασμένα
πού 'σαι ρε Καραϊσκάκη γιά να φας κανένα.

Τραβάτε καραγκιόζηδες να βγείτε στο μπερντέ
ο γάιδαρος εψόφησε κι εσείς του λέτε ντε.

Όσοι με καταλαβαίνουν λίγο μέσα μου σκλαβώνουν
κι όσοι ροδανθούς με ραίνουν πάντα με σταυρώνουν.

Εσύ που λίγο με μισείς και λίγο μ' αγαπάς
ποτέ σου δεν ξεκίνησες και πουθενά δεν πας.

Το Θεό Τονε πουλούνε μα εγώ δε θα πλερώσω
κάποια μέρα τους εμπόρους θα τους μαστιγώσω.

Ζωή που μας περίμενες μ' ορθάνοιχτη αγκαλιά
σε φυλακές, ιδρύματα και πένθιμα σκολειά.

Ήττα μου γλυκιά δασκάλα και σταυραϊτέ τση νιότης
η αρρώστια του καιρού μας είναι η σοβαρότης.

Ένα κουνέλι κλέφτομε και κάνομε γιορτή
κι εσείς κουνέλι γράφετε και τρώτε το χαρτί.

Θλίψη μου γλυκιά μου θλίψη συντροφιά στην κάμαρά μου
πως φοβούμαι μη σε χάσω όπως τη χαρά μου.

Άμα ποθάνω ρίξτε με στα όρνια να με φάν'
να πάρουνε τα σπλάχνα μου στα νέφη να πετάν'.
Ένα όμορφο τραγουδάκι γιατί έξω έχει λιακάδα και η διάθεση κάπως έφτιαξε...



Staff member
Coloured Souls - Natty

Sometimes we jump the train fare, to get to where were going
Sometimes we're hooded up and so you hear the sirens start blowing
Get knocked up, we knock your girl up just to find a place to stay
House prices rising, wages stay the same as how it is today

We are all just coloured souls
In these black and white towns we roam
We are all just coloured souls
In these black and white towns we roam

Sometimes we reminisce about our school days when we were care free
'Cause thirteen grand a year means you are left with nothing but worries
And so we smoke away our problems or we drink until the sun comes up
Why does it always feel like who we've got is waiting for our numbers to come out

So many young faces all tying to find their places
See how these places forgot about these youth they created

With the PlayStation generation xboxed up on your cctv
You can file us under hoody or asbo as you take away our identity
And still we sing...

We are all just coloured souls
In these black and white towns we roam
We are all just coloured souls
In this black and white towns we roam
we roam...


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Head Honcho - DeVotchKa

The Clockwise Witness

DeVotchKa is a four-piece multi-instrumental and vocal ensemble. They take their name from the Russian word devochka (девочка), meaning "girl". Based in Denver, Colorado, the quartet is made up of Nick Urata, who sings and plays theremin, guitar, bouzouki, piano, and trumpet; Tom Hagerman, who plays violin, accordion, and piano; Jeanie Schroder, who sings and plays sousaphone, double bass, and flute; and Shawn King, who plays percussion and trumpet.


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Estella Jones: "Cakewalkin' was a lot of fun durin' slavery time. Dey swep yards real clean and set benches for de party. Banjos wuz used for music makin'. De women's wor long, ruffled dresses wid hoops in 'em and de mens had on high hats, long split-tailed coats, and some of em used walkin' sticks. De couple dat danced best got a prize. Sometimes de slave owners come to dese parties 'cause dey enjoyed watchin' de dance, and dey 'cided who danced de best. Most parties durin' slavery time, wuz give on Saturday night durin' work sessions, but durin' winter dey wuz give on most any night."
Performances of the "Cake Walk", including a "Comedy Cake Walk" were filmed by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company in 1903. Prancing steps were the main steps shown in the "Cake Walk" segment, which featured two couples, and a solo dancer. All dancers were African American.

Στο τρίτο απόσπασμα φαίνεται καθαρά, white man can't dance.

"The Cakewalk was meant to satirize the competing culture of supposedly 'superior' whites. Slaveholders were able to dismiss its threat in their own minds by considering it as a simple performance which existed for their own pleasure."
Baldwin, B. (1981). The Cakewalk: A study in stereotype and reality. Journal of Social History, 15 (2), p. 211.

1903 was the same year that both the cakewalk and ragtime music arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Leaning far forward or far backward is associated with defiance in Kongo. "We are palm trees, bent forward, bent back, but we never break." Another interpretation of these motions were "melting" to the beat, or protecting what is new (leaning forward) with the past (leaning back). The appearance of the cakewalk in Buenos Aires may have influenced early styles of tango.

Claude Debussy plays Debussy: Golliwogg's Cakewalk (1913)

Golliwogg's Cakewalk
At the time of its composition, Golliwogs were in fashion. They were stuffed black dolls with red pants, red bow ties and wild hair, somewhat reminiscent of the black-face minstrels of the time. This is a ragtime piece with its syncopations and banjo-like effects. The dynamic range is quite large and very effective. The B section of this dance is interrupted on several occasions by the love-death leitmotif of Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, marked avec une grande émotion (with great feeling). Each quotation is followed with banjo imitations. The cakewalk was a dance or a strut and the dancer with the most elaborate steps won a cake ("took the cake").


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Moon Rocks

Pull Up the Roots

This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)

Two Note Swivel

Burning Down The House (Extended Alternate Version)



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Για τη Λέξι:

Just Wonderful - Mikro
