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  1. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    I think the "culture of confessionalism," used analogously here, starts with the creation of "self" or a distinct "self identity"(under one's own banner and "creed") and a narrative that supports how you want to portray yourself and promote your ambitions, and thereby the creation of...
  2. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    (που ανέφερα ... I need to get my eyes checked and a spell-checker):mad:
  3. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    "confessionalists stress the importance of religious doctrine, while non-confessionalists say that shared values are more important than adherence to exact beliefs." "culture of confessionalism" που ανάφερε στο #9, νομίζω είναι περίπου...
  4. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    ..or just a "culture of confessionalism?"
  5. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    Ίσως κάτι σαν το "cultural indoctrination" θα ταιριαζε, εδω; (probably not?) There's also confessional indoctrination? What is confessional approach? Confessionalists believe that differing interpretations or understandings, especially those in direct opposition to a held teaching, cannot be...
  6. pontios

    ομολογιακή κουλτούρα

    a.k.a. culture of oversharing?
  7. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    .... and where "sickly amount" = "sickening amount" (="nauseating amount").
  8. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    She's not defiled with/tainted by a "sickly amount" of good health = She's defiled with no "sickly amount" of good health. :-) (where "sickly amount" = " offensive exuberance")
  9. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    I just assumed it's about a young and healthy lady. So, the thought of ill health didn't jump out at me, I must admit. (And even if I found the book, I couldn't imagine reading or even skimming through it to page 80). :oops:
  10. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    This is what I based my "guess" on, nickel. I relied on this and the letter.
  11. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    I didn't have all the facts, of course, but this is how I understood it based on the letter. And it made sense this way. And without the facts, of course we will all be guessing (not just me - cougr didn't know the facts either and couldn't make sense of it). You gave the right suggestion #2...
  12. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    I'm going to turn this on its head now, and I apologise for this. I went along with what nickel and honniona had concluded as I was thinking more about matching the syntax of the original. This has got nothing to do with the showing off or flaunting of good health (I'm pretty certain). (But...
  13. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    It only makes sense if used ironically. Just guessing - defiled with "no offensive exuberance of good health" - it's like saying the blot on her character (or her one big character flaw) is that she doesn't flaunt her good health. ... το ελαττωμα της ειναι οτι δεν επιδεικνυει ξεδιαντροπα την...
  14. pontios

    no offensive exuberance of good health

    I agree with the suggestions, but I'm also wondering if it can be restated another way (that would more closely follow the original syntax)? For example ... "and defiled with" (no offensive exuberance of good health) ... "και με το ελάττωμα" (να κρύβει/να μη δειχνει τον ενθουσιασμό της για την...
  15. pontios

    Finders keepers [losers weepers]

    Αν το βρίσκεις το κρατάς, αν το χάσεις την πατάς ... τι είμαι; 'Αμα τό 'βρεις, κράτησέ το κι αν το χάσεις, ξέχασέ το .... τι είμαι; spoiler:
  16. pontios

    Finders keepers [losers weepers]

    Αν το βρίσκεις το κρατάς, αν το χάσεις την πατάς ... ή το πετάς;
  17. pontios

    Finders keepers [losers weepers]

    ... όποιος βρίσκει κρατάει, όποιος χάνει (την) πατάει.
  18. pontios

    quilling (ζωολογία) = αγκαθόπτωση

    το πρόσεξα, και συμφώνησα μαζί σου. ναι, αλλά ίσως χρησιμοποίουνταν για το "shedding";
  19. pontios

    quilling (ζωολογία) = αγκαθόπτωση

    "quilling" I think involves the shedding and renewal of the spines ... I don't think it's just the shedding of the spines? .... the spines are being replaced. (but I could be wrong, as usual) :-) Θα προτιμούσα την "αλλαγή"(αγκαθιών), νομίζω ... ή την πτώση και (επ)αναφύτρωση των αγκαθιών; (ή...
  20. pontios

    to have no dog in the fight

    ... ειδικά αν αυτο φωνάζεται με το βλέμμα στραμμένο προς τον αστερισμό του Μεγάλου Κυνός.