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a bit on the side

A bit on the side
if someone has a bit on the side, they are involved in a sexual relationship with someone who is not their usual partner or the person you have the relationship with:-
-- He had a bit on the side for years until his wife found out. I knew she'd never leave her husband for me. I was just her bit on the side.
--We've thought for a while that he was having a bit on the side.
It can often be used by transference to situations like the following:-
--Watercress: Not just a bit on the side
Make sure you get your share of greens with watercress - it's not just a bit on the side. :blush::cool:


Staff member
Για το σεξουαλικό, θα πρότεινα το ωραίο ρήμα μπερμπαντεύω (=have a bit on the side), το οποίο εγώ τουλάχιστον προφέρω [berbatévo].

Εδώ για τον μπερμπάντη (τον οποίο προφέρω με [d]):

Φαντάζομαι ότι οι σημασίες που δεν έχουν να κάνουν με μπερμπάντεμα και τσιλημπουρδίσματα εμφανίστηκαν πρώτες.


Staff member
When Harry met Sally, she wanted everything on the side but he was reluctant, for a bit at least, until he heard her moaning...:D

Meg Ryan: restaurant customer who orders everything on the side
the meg ryan at table 2 wants the cheese, dressing and nuts on the side for her salad