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I am out of town


Good morning friends,

Someone is asking me for something that is in my house and I can't retrieve it now because I am out of town. Am I right in saying that there is no direct translation? One would not try to say the Greek equivalent of "I am out of town" ( “ Δεν βρίσκομαι στην πόλι που ζω» sounds strange, right?

I wonder if these be the most appropriate expressions:

“Λείπω από το σπίτι “
“Δεν είμαι σπίτι αυτές τις μέρες “

Any other ideas would be appreciated:)

Thank you!
«Δεν είμαι σπίτι» is fine, but we also say «Βρίσκομαι εκτός [όνομα πόλης] (αυτή τη στιγμή)».


Hey Dharvatis, thank you for your suggestions. Would " βρίσκομαι εκτός έδρας " also work?

And - Daeman - thanks for reminding me. "When Father was Away on Business" is one of my favorite films: )

Thank you to both.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
You can also just say βρίσκομαι (or είμαι) εκτός, which doesn't specify if you're not at home right now or if you're away because you're out of town.