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A computer monitor, printer and to print


Good morning friends,

Could someone tell me how one refers to a computer monitor in Greek? I am referring to the oversize computer monitors that are separate from the actual computer.

Also, what is the most colloquial way to say "printer" (the noun) and to "print" (the verb). If I want to ask someone to print something... how would I say it?

Thank you in advance.

monitor = τερματικό (and more commonly οθόνη, which now can also refer to any computer screen)
printer = εκτυπωτής
to print = τυπώνω, εκτυπώνω


Staff member
In everyday context, I'd use "οθόνη υπολογιστή" and you'll find that "μόνιτορ" is also acceptable.

Could you please print this file out for me?
Θα μπορούσες, σε παρακαλώ, να μου τυπώσεις αυτό το αρχείο;

Though I use εκτύπωση for the noun (printing, printout), I prefer to use τυπώνω for the verb.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Θα μπορούσες, σε παρακαλώ, να μου τυπώσεις αυτό το αρχείο;
We should note that in everyday interactions with people we work with, we wouldn't be as formal, and probably say «Μου τυπώνεις αυτό το αρχείο (σε παρακαλώ);»