meaning of τι το κάνουμε;

In this dialogue, Andreas is trying to guess what an object is. A sort of game of 20 questions. My question is simple and I'm sure it can be simply answered. It is from an excellent site, called, from which I am learning to speak Greek. Thanks to this site, I am making very good and quick progress.
But I'm not sure why the sentece can carry the meaning it actually does:

Α. Τι είναι, Έλλη; Τι το κάνουμε;

Ε. Το ακούμε.

Α. Το ακούμε; Το ακούω τώρα;

Ε. Όχι, τώρα δεν το ακούς.

Α. Α, νομίζω είναι ένα γραμμόφωνο.

Ε. Όχι.

Presumably it means 'what do we do with it?' Shouldn't it have a με before το? :(


Staff member
Presumably it means 'what do we do with it?'

Yes, exactly.

Shouldn't it have a με before το? :(

Not in this syntax. You could say "Τι κάνουμε με αυτό;" but in some cases that sounds contrived, somewhat Englishy in comparison (although "Tι κάνουμε με δαύτο;" sounds perfectly alright in syntax but with a derogatory connotation for "δαύτο"), whereas "Τι το κάνουμε;" more natural.