κι αυτό

What exactly does κι αυτό refer to or mean here in this snippet from Μια παλιά ιστορία by Γαρυφαλλιάς Κατσαμπάνη-Τσαγκάρη:-:confused:
Τα μαλλιά της έγιναν ασημιά και τα πόδια της βαριά. Τα κόμπια της όλα, η μέση της, το κορμί της πονούσαν μα της ζέστανε η ελπίδα την ψυχή κι αυτό την κράταγε όρθια.:)
Thanks, 'Man. So it refers to η ελπίδα but can be rendered 'and that thing, δηλ. hope' kept her upright/standing tall'.:up:


Staff member
Not directly to "hope" because then it would be feminine, κι αυτή, and in this syntax it refers to the preceding clause, that's why the neuter is used for the implied "fact". But ultimately to hope, yes, indirectly and in essence.