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Hobson's choice


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A Hobson's choice is a free choice in which only one thing is offered. Because a person may refuse to accept what is offered, the two options are taking it or taking nothing. In other words, one may "take it or leave it." The phrase is said to have originated with Thomas Hobson (1544–1631), a livery stable owner in Cambridge, England, who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest the door or taking none at all.

According to a plaque underneath a painting of Hobson donated to Cambridge Guildhall, Hobson had an extensive stable of some 40 horses. This gave the appearance to his customers that, upon entry, that customer would have his or her choice of mounts, when in fact there was only one: Hobson required his customers to choose the horse in the stall closest to the door. This was to prevent the best horses from always being chosen, which would have caused those horses to become overused.
Henry Ford was also said to have offered the Ford Model T with the famous Hobson's choice of "You may pick any color, so long as it is black". However, factually speaking, the car was actually offered in a variety of colors in the earliest days.

An ultimatum game is a form of Hobson's choice.

The term "Hobson's choice" is often misused to mean a false illusion of choice, but it is not a choice between two equivalent options, which is a Morton's fork, nor is it a choice between two undesirable options, which is a dilemma. Hobson's choice is one between something or nothing.

Πώς θα το χαρακτηρίζαμε στα ελληνικά, αφού δεν είναι δίλημμα;


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Νομίζω ότι εμείς θα λέγαμε ότι πρόκειται για τη «μόνη επιλογή», πάντως.


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Ή κάνεις μια διατύπωση που να καταλήγει στη φράση «μοναδική επιλογή».

Προχείρως, από τα παραδείγματα του ODE:
the regional council must decide whether a private toll bridge is better than no bridge at all—it’s a Hobson’s choice (Στην πραγματικότητα, δεν έχουν δεύτερη επιλογή)
Hence, a Hobson's choice was not a choice at all. (Επομένως, δεν είχαν παρά μία μόνο επιλογή.)
But Hobson's choice is no choice. (Κανένα δίλημμα — είχα μία μόνο επιλογή.)
The choices they made were mostly Hobson's choices. (Δεν είχαν και πολλές επιλογές.)