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gesture (music) = (μουσική) χειρονομία


Mod Almighty
Staff member
In music, gesture is any movement, either physical (bodily) or mental (imaginary). As such "gesture" includes both categories of movements required to produce sound and categories of perceptual moves associated with those gestures. The concept of musical gestures has received much attention in various musicological disciplines (e.g. music analysis, music therapy, music psychology, NIME) in recent years.

Μήπως ξέρετε πώς το λέμε αυτό στα ελληνικά; Ευχαριστώ!


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Ευχαριστώ :) Είχα γκουγκλίσει τη «χειρονομία» χωρίς σπουδαία ευρήματα, αλλά δε μου έκοψε να το ψάξω στον πληθυντικό.